Friday, August 17, 2007


Was Micheal Vick of the Atlanta falcons dogfighting maybe
but i think the big issue here is how the media is treating this case and the terms Virginia lawmakers are attempting to get Micheal Vick to accept before he has been proven guilty
The Virginia prosecutors are offering Vic the kinda of deals
that middle and lower class blacks get all the time.

Basically we wont prosecute you and give you 10 to fifteen
yrs instead accept 2 to 5 yrs.

In most cases with the lower class or those who cannot afford an attorney, the thought of spending 10 to 15
yrs or more of your life incarcerated is a great motivator to accept 2-5 yr plea bargains.

More so when the only legal rep you have is a public pretender telling you the whole time to take the deal.

But wait a minute this is Micheal Vick star QB of a
NFL team making millions a yr, in most cases a good
lawyer and fine money would be enough
but in this case the VA prosecutors are using a tried and true method for incarcerating black Americans.

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